Facilities Solutions That Work

Certified Efficiency Products, LLC is a full-service energy efficiency and facilities solutions company, specializing in researching and vetting solutions for the commercial and industrial markets. Providing cost effective solutions “That Work” to our clients is our highest priority. We offer a single point of contact to navigate multiple segments of operations, so the client is not burdened with additional work loads and can feel confident they are receiving the best products and services available.

We have several different efficiency products and solutions available to address all areas of operations for any facility. We work with clients to understand their facility and operational needs, identify areas of inefficiency, and provide solutions specific to those inefficiencies. This can all be accomplished with zero out of pocket expense.

These areas include water saving technologies, refrigeration optimization for walk-in coolers and freezers, HVAC and chiller optimization for comfort cooling, advanced lighting and controls, building management and monitoring systems, carbon emissions tracking and reduction planning, indoor air quality monitoring and improvement devices, fuel treatment and reduction additives, commercial and industrial renewable energy, power generation, and food safety devices. Because every clients needs and facility is different, there is no single solution for each of these categories. We have vetted multiple for each to identify the most cost effective that achieves the best results.

Contact us today to see how our products can help in the efficiency of your facility.

Your facility is extremely complex. CEP specializes in the simple implementations of nondisruptive technologies that have major impacts on operational costs and occupant experience. Whether its your employees, tenants, customers, or patrons, they will experience the comfort and solace of your highly efficient facility. We will help you create the most energy and water efficient facility that will save you money across all sectors of your facilities operational costs.